I'm not interested in the aesthetics, in a "pretty" image. I'm interested in images that tell a truth, a story.
I believe the great photographs are the ones that make you sit up and take notice.
For this body of work I want to do just that. I want to produce a series of images that inform the viewer about the harsh reality.
Cruelty to animals is despicable and disturbing, yet it is only recently that the law has changed in order that the people who commit these acts can be punished accordingly. However, this is still not enough. The RSPCA are working everyday to try and prevent this, yet they receive no government funding. I want this project not only to show people what they may not realise is going on, but to also highlight the work of this organisation.
I know there are worse things going on in the world.
I also know that a lot of people don't really care about animals that much, but it is my hope that through my photographs I might stir something inside them.